Monday, October 20, 2008

P.S. Just another quick note about SNL

Next week, the host is Jon Hamm and the musical guest is Coldplay. How super excited am I? Coldplay's latest album is fantastic, so I'm very excited to hear them (I very rarely don't fast forward through the musical guest, with the exception, clearly, since they're my favorite band EVER, of The Killers, who were on last week. But I would listen to Coldplay, too.)

More importantly, though, is the fact that Jon Hamm plays the lead character of Don Draper on my new favorite show, Mad Men. He is phenomenal as this character, and while credit has to go to the writing of this character, Hamm's portrayal of Draper is in no small part responsible for making me feel for a character that at best is deeply flawed. I can't help but root for Draper to grow up and get his act together. Anyway, I only know Hamm from this show and he so perfectly captures the era (early 1960s) that I don't know what it will be like to see him as 21st century actor Jon Hamm, not 1960s ad man Don Draper. Who knows if he'll be able to do live comedy but good for SNL for realizing that Hamm is a gem of an actor on a gem of a show who deserves to be put in the spotlight (if they spoof Mad Men and spoof it well, I think I'll be in heaven).

Anyway, Saturday night, 11:30 p.m., it!!

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