Thursday, September 22, 2011

Best. TV night. Ever.

That's right, folks. Tonight marks the return of the best night of television in its entirety. Last week we saw the premieres of The Vampire Diaries and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but tonight we add to that mix the returns of Community, Parks and Recreation, a revamped The Office featuring the newly added James Spader, and Grey's Anatomy.

So much tv to watch, so little time.

Now, those of you who read this blog have heard me argue before that, as the title of this blog asserts, television is in fact more than a vehicle for commercials and consumerism - there are times it can be considered art. Most of the time my arguments rest on well-written, well-acted, beautifully shot shows like Mad Men. Or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Yes, I went there.

But let me tell you that the comedies can bring it as well, and anyone who argues that television can never be considered art has obviously never watched a paintball episode of Community or Community's stop-motion animation Christmas episode, "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas," which in my humble opinion, is such a well-written (earnest and poignant without being cloying or cliche), well-acted (yes, even in animation form), and beautifully shot piece of art that it should become part of the classic Christmas television staples. Just sayin'.

Aaand a quick small plug for Parks and Recreation. Watch this show. Please. You will not regret it. This is a show that has created a whole world of both endearing and annoying but always funny characters, not just our mainstays in the opening credits, and the citizens of Pawnee, Indiana are the quirkiest, most sincere characters you'll find on tv today. In a television lineup that features so many killers and drug dealers and dark twists and so much cynicism, it is, as Rob Lowe's character would say, LITERALLY the most refreshing (and honest-to-god funny!) show on tv.

That is all. Watch it, ya heard?!?!?!

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